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The Ionel Teodoreanu's Art of Novel

in La Medeleni (1925-1927)

Domain: literature

Discipline: Romanian studies

University: University  of Provence, Center of Aix

Date of oral examination for thesis: February 1995, 16


Mr. J. -C. BOUVIER, professor, University of Provence, president, 
Mr. Valerie RUSU, associated professor HDR, University of Provence, director
Mr. Cicerone POGHIRC, professor, University of Bochum (Germany), rapporteur 
Mr. Eugen SIMION, professor, University of Bucharest (Romania), rapporteur 
Mr. Georges TAVERDET, professor, University of Dijon, rapporteur

Pages: 510

Volumes: 2

Bibliographic references: 108

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Keywords in English:


Teodoreanu, Ionel


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Traditionally considered in Romania as the novelist of childhood, Teodoreanu develops with La Medeleni ("In Medeleni") the occidental formula of "roman-fleuve", with individualized characters, exploiting the unlimited possibility of speech acts. The author excels in the art of dialogue and scene, of counterpoint and recitative, and adopts a life-like and dynamic writing, in a complete harmony with the mental patterns of a childhood more suggested than described. Making coherent a broken and discontinuous narrative, the devouring figurality of La Medeleni aims to reach the unspeakable sensation, and opens to a writing torn between suffering and voluptuousness a dizzy perspective whichs calls up the aesthetics of the baroque. The Teodoreanu's novel obeys more to the rules of the initiation narrative than to the Bildungsroman's ones, and reveals its uncommon modernity through the autoreferential and specular dimension, its digressive composition, offering a perfect example of the bursting of all the literary genres and of the disaggregation of narrative in panlyrism.



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